The Impending Doom
Under the prevailing circumstances, therefore, the possibility of an Islamic Revolution in Pakistan in the foreseeable future is almost non-existent. But to give up all hopes would be tantamount to giving in against the forces of disbelief. As a matter of fact, nothing is beyond the power of Almighty God, and it is only on the basis of our reliance on His succor that we are able to keep the hopes of a bright future alive.
Moreover, we also have in our minds a similar phase during the struggle of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) when, after the death of his only apparent support his uncle Abu Talib in the 10th year of Prophethood, the chances of an Islamic Revolution in Arabia appeared thin and bleak. It could have been assumed that the leaders of Quraysh would kill the Prophet and thereby terminate the whole movement.
Desperate to find a new base, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) went to Ta’if, but was violently rejected there and forced out of the town. Returning to Makkah, he realized that he would be immediately killed upon entering the city, and was therefore forced to ask for the protection of Mut‘im Ibn Adi. The gentleman who never embraced Islam arrived at the outskirts of Makkah, and, together with his six armed sons, escorted Prophet Muhammad (SAW) to the city, announcing his protection. Even after these utterly hopeless conditions, however, the Islamic movement not only survived, but the greatest revolution of all times was achieved in the Arabian peninsula within the next ten years.
Thus, even though the present conditions in Pakistan are extremely discouraging especially in relation to the growing influence of Washington, which has a particular antipathy towards Islamic fundamentalism and revivalism we are still hopeful that our country and the adjoining areas would form, sometime in the very near future, a genuine Islamic State. As for the question “When shall that be?” the following answers can be quoted from the Holy Qur'an:
They surely take it to be far away, but We see it very near! (Al-Ma‘arij 70:6,7)
Say: “I do not know if what is promised to you is near, or if my Lord will prolong its term.” (Al-Jinn 72:25)
However, there are two distinct possibilities for our immediate future: Either we will turn towards Allah (SWT) in repentance, in which case the impending punishment shall hopefully be revoked, or we will continue to sink even deeper into sinfulness, in which case and it is not easy to face these bitter realities we might suffer a really major disaster, and only then shall we wake up from our slumber. The choice is ours; though, unfortunately, we have so far been opting for the latter.
Aldous Huxley has said that the most important of all the lessons that history has to teach is that men do not learn very much from the lessons of history. The events of the last four thousand years, as narrated very briefly in these pages, clearly show how God the Almighty punishes His “beloved” people whenever they transgress His commands. In this context, Pakistani Muslims are already feeling the pangs of minor punishments from Allah (SWT), and, unless we repent, a major episode of Divine retribution seems imminent, the signs of which are already in the air. In the words of Jesus Christ, “Already the ax is laid to the roots of the trees; and every tree that fails to produce good fruit is cut and thrown on the fire” (Luke 3:9).
Repentance: The Only Way to Salvation
What needs to be done, therefore, if we are to escape from the impending catastrophe, is to turn towards Allah (SWT), repent truly, and make a solemn vow to practice Islam in its totality.
The starting point of collective repentance of a nation is repentance by its individual members. This must include a real feeling of regret, a firm resolve never to repeat the sins, followed by actual change in behavior, and, in the case of any violation of the rights of other human beings, an appropriate compensation or asking for forgiveness from the aggrieved party. This individual repentance, if performed with its true spirit, does guarantee forgiveness from Almighty Allah (SWT) in the Hereafter. It does not mean, however, that the individual will escape any collective Divine punishment that might befall his nation (Al-Qur’an Al-Anfaal 8:25), except in the case when he had used all available resources and had tried his utmost to persuade others to give up their sinful practices (Al-Qur’an Al-A‘raaf 7:165).
The desired state of collective repentance can be achieved only when first of all a considerable number of individuals would repent and mend their ways; then they unite themselves into a cohesive force and change the main trend of the society by their exhortation and persuasion, their enjoining the good and forbidding the evil, leading to a revolution in thought as well as behavior. And then, in order to change the whole politico-socio-economic setup, a popular resistance movement would have to be launched, which will bring about the desired transformation through a non-violent revolutionary struggle. At the same time, a strong nucleus of Iman or true faith has to be created within the educated classes, especially among the intelligentsia, which would act as a center for rekindling the light of Iman throughout the whole society, and thus generate an intellectual base and popular support for the revolutionary struggle The establishment of the Islamic System of Social Justice would then represent our collective repentance.
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) has prophesied that a time would come when the Muslims, though great in number, would be as weak and ineffective as the scum on the surface of flood waters.
One can hardly doubt that we are living in that age. Our miserable state of existence, as we have seen, is the direct result of our own deeds: Our turning away from the guidance of the Holy Qur’an and the way of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Fortunately, our salvation in the Hereafter and our prosperity, honor, and domination in this world are a matter of choice rather than luck.
We have been suffering from the ill effects of our sins for too long. Has the time not yet come for the hearts of the believers to be moved and soften? Or are we waiting for The Punishment to appear right before our eyes?
It’s time to wake up; it is also the time to act.
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